Resources for undergrads who want to do research (and get paid):

Note: I created this page for my BIO 120/220 students at U of T but the majority of information should be relevant for science undergraduate students in Canada. This page is still a draft and is being updated.

The first thing to know is that you do NOT need to have existing research "skills" or experience before joining a research lab/group. We all start from somewhere and I'm sure you already have many useful skills such as organization, leadership, communication, time management, etc. The research experiences that undergraduates undertake vary widely, from cleaning glassware and maintaining animals to conducting an independent research project. This depends on the experience and what the lab needs, for example a 2nd year student might help with animal care/lab maintenance before conducting a full independent research project in their 3rd year. The good news is that you can you can be paid, volunteer or receive course credit for all of these experiences (see below)! Many of these opportunities are not advertised and are instead gained by emailing a professor an asking them if they have any available research opportunities. 

Emailing profs: Here, is a great resource about how to write concise, tailored emails that are packed with information (don't forget to also attach your resume and transcript). Profs are extremely busy so don't be discouraged if they don't respond immediately - wait one to two weeks and then kindly follow up with them re-expressing your interest. Once you hear back from the prof, you two will probably schedule a meeting to see if it's a good fit for both of you - here is a good resource about how to prepare for this initial meeting. 

Ask your TA! Another great way to get your foot in the door is by asking your TA if they have or know of any research opportunities! TAs are a great resource since they are grad students conducting research themselves and have been in your shoes before. Grad students love to talk about research and so I'm sure they will be happy to chat with you!

Below are paid U of T undergraduate research opportunities. Most Canadian universities should have similar programs.

EEB Undergraduate Summer Research Award (USRA): $8,000 for 4 months of summer research

NSERC USRA: $7500 for 4 months of summer research

KSR USRA: $8,000 for 4 months of summer research at the KSR field station

University of Toronto Excellence Award: $7,500 for 4 months of summer research

Northrop Frye Summer Research Experience: $5,700 for 4 months of summer research

Work Study Program: $15.90 per hour (approx. 10-15 hours per week)

Research Courses represent another ways to conduct a research project and you will received course credit towards your degree. 

Japanese Canadian Legacies Scholarship: $3-10K per award to support undergraduate or graduate studies of Japanese Canadians impacted by the unjust government actions of the past, and their descendants.

Other great resources for advice, awards, etc: